LES RACCOONS L’ETNICK Geneston, vendredi 29 novembre 2024.
LES RACCOONS Vendredi 29 novembre, 21h00 L’ETNICK
Dates et horaires de début et de fin (année – mois – jour – heure) :
Début : 2024-11-29T21:00:00 – 2024-11-29T23:30:00
Fin : 2024-11-29T21:00:00 – 2024-11-29T23:30:00
Les Raccoons, c’est un groupe composé de Marc Bouttin (Voix lead/Guitare accompagnement), Nicolas Hector (Guitare solo), Louis de Veron (Piano/Clarinette/Seconde voix) et Nathanaël Looten (Batterie/Percutions).
L’ETNICK 83 avenue de Bretagne, 44140 Geneston Geneston 44140 Loire-Atlantique Pays de la Loire https://www.facebook.com/letnickbar/ [{“link”: “https://www.facebook.com/lesraccoons/?locale=fr_FR”}, {“data”: {“author”: “les raccoons”, “cache_age”: 86400, “description”: “Listen to les raccoons | SoundCloud is an audio platform that lets you listen to what you love and share the sounds you create.”, “type”: “rich”, “title”: “les raccoons”, “thumbnail_url”: “https://i1.sndcdn.com/avatars-000140653759-k9jed9-t500x500.jpg”, “version”: “1.0”, “url”: “https://soundcloud.com/lesraccoons”, “thumbnail_height”: 500, “author_url”: “https://soundcloud.com/lesraccoons”, “thumbnail_width”: 500, “options”: {“_horizontal”: {“label”: “Slimmer horizontal player”, “value”: false}, “_hide_comments”: {“label”: “Hide timed comments”, “value”: false}, “_height”: {“values”: {“0”: “Let Iframely optimize player for the artwork”, “300”: “300px”, “400”: “400px”, “450”: “450px”, “600”: “600px”}, “label”: “Adjust height”, “value”: 450}}, “html”: “
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Dans une ambiance conviviale autour du jeu
dans le cadre du Festival Culture Bar-Bars Bluegrass Country